Learning how to learn - Week01
This is a series, I will write a summary of what I remember after I learn the course. Be careful, I will spoil and don't commit what I write is true, please double-check. Thanks.
This is the course to learn how to learn at Coursera by Deep Teaching Solution. In week 01, you are going to learn about focused and diffuse mode to learn, procrastination, short-term memory, and long-term memory, the last is the importance of sleep.
You can very focus on work but you need to have a break time. In the break time, the diffuse mode is turned on, and your brain has also activated a different part of your brain, and you can find the solution at this time. Separately, you try to apply a Pomodoro when you work. Your brain will have time to "make solid the wall" if you don't have break time, it's overloading and BUM!!! "the wall is destroyed". If possible, you should jog or do light exercise during break time.
Memory is a different important part when you learn: long-term memory and short-term memory. In short-term memory, you can remember four things before you forget, which is quite easy to remember. But in the long-term memory, you have a large memory for remembering anything, but it is too hard to put in long-term memory, you must repeat the things you want to remember during that time. Like the focus and diffuse mode, you need to space repeat that. It's more productive than repeating one thousand times at once. A solution you try to use Anki software (iOS, Android, macOS, Windows).
Sleep is the most important thing. When you are sleeping, the brain can eliminate toxins that are made when you awake. Therefore, I think you don't stay up late. Before you go to bed, you can think about what you want to learn or remember, that's useful.